To join our SiteRing click on the join button on the ring fragment below and fill out the form.

Your site must be webtv and kid friendly in order to be accepted into the ring. NO PORNO sites are allowed.

Once the fragment is on your page, contact me and if it's entered correctly, you'll be notified and added to the ring.

You have two weeks after signing up to put the fragment on your site. If I don't hear from you or find the fragment, your site will be removed and you'll have to sign up again if you want to join.

SiteRing banner Ferretmom's Fuzzy Friends SiteRing

This site owned by
Carol Marion
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You must transload the SiteRing banner to your own site.

Tripod no longer allows linking of graphics from their server. If you don't transload the SiteRing banner to your own server, you'll end up with a blank box where the banner should go.

After you've signed up and are given your ID number, you'll be retuned to this page. Just click on the box below and c/c/p the fragment code onto your site.

Replace "your e-mail addy goes here" with your own e-mail addy, "your name goes here" with your own name and ???? with your ID number.